Monday, August 31, 2009
Satukanlah hatinya dengan hatiku
Titipkanlah kebahagiaan
Dia milikku, tercipta untuk diriku
Ya Allah, ku mohon
Apa yang telah Kau takdirkan
Ku harap dia adalah yang terbaik buatku
Kerana Engkau tahu segala isi hatiku
Pelihara daku dari kemurkaanMu
Ya Tuhanku, yang Maha Pemurah
Beri kekuatan jua harapan
Membina diri yang lesu tak bermaya
Semaikan setulus kasih di jiwa
Ku pasrah kepadaMu
Kurniakanlah aku
Pasangan yang beriman
Bisa menemani aku
Supaya ku dan dia
Dapat melayar bahtera
Ke muara cinta yang Engkau redhai
Ya Tuhanku, yang Maha Pengasih
Engkau sahaja pemeliharaku
Dengarkan rintihan hambaMu ini
Jangan Engkau biarkan ku sendiri
Agarku bisa bahagia
Walau tanpa bersamanya
Gantikanlah yang hilang
Tumbuhkan yang telah patah
Ku inginkan bahagia
Di dunia dan akhirat PadaMu
Tuhan ku mohon segala
direka cerita oleh AiSyAhFAsH at 8:00 PM 0 comments
2nd day of sbe
direka cerita oleh AiSyAhFAsH at 6:53 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 30, 2009
~nahas mmg nahas~~
1) cloperastine HCL
p/s: to all guys yg rse x chat tu,jgn tngguh2..g check kt dktor,ok!!
direka cerita oleh AiSyAhFAsH at 6:08 AM 0 comments
direka cerita oleh AiSyAhFAsH at 5:59 AM 0 comments
~balik dari kampung~
smpai je umah,trus tdo.ape lg..end of story...
direka cerita oleh AiSyAhFAsH at 5:54 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 27, 2009
hye blog..
arini aku blik kampung.nk merasa bkk puase kt kmpug la ptg ni mmg knfem kne pg bazar rmadhan yg happening tu.mlsnyerr..dh le rmai org.kmi pn tgh cyap2 tp ak nk amek ksmpatan ni nk jot jgk pape pn kt blog azim ni tgh mrayau2 kt lam blik ak.ntah ap yg d cari.maybe die nk men game kot lam laptop ak he's da 1st person woke up diz morning.ktrang grak blik kmpung maybe about 10.30++i think so.hurm,my mom pn busy packing ap yg, i come,babaeh....
direka cerita oleh AiSyAhFAsH at 6:56 PM 0 comments
My Daily Routines
5.45 a.m
wake up for sahur
clean all messy things
6.20 a.m
sleep....( zzzz...zzzz.....zzzz..)
10.00 a.m
wake up
watch tv
sit in front lappy
chit chat
1.00 p.m
watch amazing race ( compulsory..teettt..)
sit in front lappy
3.00 p.m
take bath( uhuh....)
4.00 p.m
ready for cooking
prepare things for cook
5.3o p.m
watch tv
sit in front lappy
ready for breakfasting
9.00 p.m
watch tv
11.00 p.m
go to bed ( sweet dream....)
direka cerita oleh AiSyAhFAsH at 8:46 AM 0 comments
:::wHat tO Do ?:::
biasenye,i akn mkn..mkn..tgk tv..ceria2 kn hati yg sedih n wt2 la x tau ap yg mnyebabkan kte i doin' rite?maybe,yup..sbb wt ap kte nk ingt mnde2 sedeyh tu.lg la mem'blank'kn kte kn.i think if u r in sad or moody,it's better if u can hang out,doing smthing crazy!!!huhu.ala..nnt lame2 ok la.u can accept it.hidup ni x slalunye tyme sedeyh n hapy go is lyk wheel.
things that we can do jika kte sedeyh:
1) mkn..mkn..mkn...sampai muncit..:P
2) tgk cte or movie yg lwak gle smpai nk pcah prot
3) g shopping ( perabes dwet ni yg aku ske sgt )
4) do crazy things...( ap ek,erm...lyke go for a buggy jumping,maybe...crazy wut)
5) sleep..tdon tdo...smpai x mngun2..haha..( not lyk dat..)
so,guys..there's some tips dat u can apply.dunt be must go on..wokeyh..:P
direka cerita oleh AiSyAhFAsH at 8:33 AM 0 comments
JourNey to RedaNG isLand 2009
p/s: haaa..tgk pic kt ats btl dh cm ank2 ikan dh tu...huhu
tp kesimpolannye,mmg besh la BIG kali ni.dpt pg rmai2 woo..bkn slalu dpt peluang mcm ni.
direka cerita oleh AiSyAhFAsH at 6:21 AM 0 comments
That dream I'm dreamin'
But theres a voice inside my head sayin'
You'll never reach it
Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking
But I gotta keep tryin'
Gotta keep my head held high
Theres always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a up-hill battle
Sometimes i'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about whats waiting on the other side
Its the climb
The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But, No, I'm not breaking
I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember Most, yeah
Just gotta keep goin'
And, I, I got to be Strong
Just Keep pushing, on
Cause theres always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a up-hill battle
Sometimes i'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about whats waiting on the other side
Its The Climb
direka cerita oleh AiSyAhFAsH at 2:42 AM 0 comments
Ist of all ni 1st post and 1st blog ak.everything 1st la.a lil bit things to jot down but ak nk jgk tlis something.puase3.a bit tired.aku dok mah pn x wt pape.juz ngadap laptop n tgk tv je keje.n smapi tyme bkk tu la yg happening bcoz meja cm pnuh ngn mkanan.senak jgk kn nk abeskan.ermm..xpe.puase ni la nk mngaja kte erti ksabran dan melawan nafsu.guys yg x pose tu,insafla.nnt xleh raye,huhu..
~~lost ideas,dudes..~
it's tyme to prepare for breakfasting...
direka cerita oleh AiSyAhFAsH at 2:33 AM 0 comments